What types of electric power are available?
Several different kinds of electric power are available for your electric pontoon.
Electric trolling motors, Electric outboards, trim tab mounted electric motors, and electric motors that mount on the cavitation plate of your existing outboard motor.
Let’s discuss each.
Electric trolling motor
these are motors that can be mounted on the front or rear of your pontoon boat depending on its particular design. These motors are not typically used for primary propulsion except on the smallest of pontoon boats. They are the type used by fishermen on there bass boats and can either be steered by hand, foot pedal or remote control.
Electric outboards
electric outboards are the future of electric pontoon power. They look similar in design to an outboard engine but usually are much smaller and sleeker in design. They connect to your steering wheel just like an outboard and typically have a remote power control handle similar to the throttle control used on an outboard engine.Some electric outboards have power tilt just like an outboard and all have charging systems built right into the boat.
Trim tab mounted electric motors
typically 2 equal power electric motors are used, one mounted on the back of each pontoon. The motors are installed on adjustable plates similar to trim tabs so they can be raised or lowered into the water. They can be used alone or in conjunction with an outboard motor. Unlike an electric outboard that is steered in a conventional manor by your steering wheel, with these units one motor operates in forward and the other in reverse in order to turn your boat. Steering is handled by a joystick type controller similar to the way you would fly a jet fighter. Steering is intuitive in that you just move the joystick in the direction you want to go. Move the joystick left, right, forward or back and the electric motors act as required in order to accommodate your command. One added benefit of this type of control is that the pontoon boat can literally turn in place without moving forward or back. (Handy for maneuvering in tight quarters or at your dock).
Cavitation plate mounted electric motors
These electric motors, one or two depending on pontoon boat size, mount on the cavitation plate of your existing outboard motor. They are used to compliment your outboard motor so you have the option of using your boat on internal combustion restricted lakes or to just have a quiet, environmentally friendly power source to add to your pontoon boat experience. These motors will ride under the water level and function at trolling speeds but ride clear of the water during outboard engine operation.
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